
Step by step shot list

1- Military man walks up his road towards his home
Location - street 1,2 or 3
A-Close up of mans feet walking down street towards his home
B-Upwards tilt to show military uniform
C-Mid shot arc showing suitcase depicting that he is returning home from the army
D-Over shoulder of man pulling out picture of his partner
E- Long shot of outside of home while man turns into drive of approaches door
F-Mid shot profile of man opening door and entering home

2- Military Man in hallway of home
Location- House hallway 1,2 or 3
A-Over the shoulder shot (of Hammer on top of tool box)
B-Man picking up hammer (Same camera placement & shot)
C-High angle mid shot of mans face & torso
D-Close up of mans face showing reaction of hearing noises

3- Military Man walking up stairs
Location- House stairs 1,2 or 3
Shots to be decided on location

4- Military Man walking along upper hallway
Location- House upstairs hallway 1, 2 or 3
A-Medium close up of feet
B-Track of mans feet walking along upper hallway
C-Close up of mans hand opening the door (showing wedding ring)
D-low camera shot of feet , door opens to show bed with a man and a women "cheating"

5- Military Man in bedroom with wife and other man
Location- House bedroom 1,2 or 3
A-Over shoulder shot of military man looking at wife & other man
B-Medium close up of woman and man (depicting the woman's worried look)
C-Close up of military mans hand tightening around the gip of the hammer (wife out of focus in the background)

6- Cut to computer generated titles 'Hammer'

7-Cut to shot of a detective outside house a few hours later
Location- Street 1,2 or 3
A-Upwards tilt from detectives feet to to his face (as he gets out of car)

   Here is a questionnaire are group has done.